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  • 1910

    May / 2

    Born in West Lake, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, near the Orioles singing in the willows (Liu Lang Wen Ying) park. His given name is Bao-qing also known as Wei-yi.

  • 1917

    (age 8)
    He started learning calligraphy, seal cutting, literature and poetry from his father, Fu Yu (1932~1963), since the age of eight. His gaining of edification of traditional Chinese Art and literature established his fundamental cultivation in his future art works. But due to his eyesight, he did not continue learning seal cutting.

    傅御 (照片來源:《雲濤.雙絕.傅狷夫》)
  • 1926

    (age 17)
    Fu enrolled at Xiling Painting Calligraphy Art Institute of Hangzhou in the early summer, and became a student of Mr. Wang Qian-lou. Fu knew his calligraphy was too stiff and squared, so he started to lean semi-cursive script. Later on, he received the Calligraphy of the Three Rarities Hall from his teacher, which carried out his ambition to learn more. 

    傅御的篆刻作品 (照片來源:《傅狷夫教授書畫作品紀念專輯》) 王湝樓的山水稿 王湝樓的山水稿 王湝樓畫淵明松菊圖
  • 1927

    (age 18-25)
    Studying in Xiling Painting Calligraphy Art Institute for seven years, Fu mastered in Chinese landscape paintings of West Lake’s scenery. During the seven years, Fu not only learned and practice Chinese ink wash paintings through making replicas of albums of famous art works, he also studied the history and development of aesthetics and theories of Chinese Art.

  • 1932

    (age 22)
    Fu was invited to Xin Wei Calligraphy Painting Exhibition, his four paintings and a couplet was included into the Xin Wei Calligraphy Painting Album, which was the earliest printed matter.

  • 1934

    (age 25-28)
    Fu moved to NanJing at the age of twenty-five. He attended the Spring Art Exhibition and Fall Art Exhibition of NanJiing City every year of his stay. The introduction of western culture was hard not to influence Fu with the idea of the fusion of Chinese and western style.

  • 1935

    (age 26)
    Fu focused on Wen Hung-shan's semi-cursive calligraphy and regular script in small characters, and Sun Kuo-t'ing's Essay on Calligraphy.

  • 1936

    (age 27)
    Fu focused on learning the works of Shitao during this period of time. Which was then, he completed one of his most famous works, Remaining Artistic Spirit of the Crystalline Xiang (Qing Xiang Yi Yun).

  • 1937

    (age 28)
    Fu followed the troops to Hubei (Eh), Hunan (Xiang), Guangxi (Gwai), Guizhou (Qian) and finally to Sichuan. Along the way, Fu started to paint and wrote down what he saw of Jialing River and Yangtse Gorges. It wasn’t till then, Fu experienced and understood the intentions of “learning from nature” and “to deeply observe all of nature, but paint freely on paper”.

  • 1939

    (age 30)
    Fu was given the name (Fu Bao Qing Yang) in Chongqing in the end of March.

  • 1940

    (age 31)
    Fu became a student of Mr. Chen Zhifo, who influenced Fu a lot, especially towards his aspects of colors.
    Fu became acquainted with Mr. Huang Jun-Bi.
    Held a solo-exhibition in Chengdu.

  • 1941

    (age 32)
    Fu and Ms. Xi Defang decided to tie the knot.

    一九四一年,傅狷夫與席德芳結為連理。(照片來源:《傅狷夫的創作與傳承》/ 中華文化總會 / 2015年8月) 傅狷夫與夫人席德芳合影 (照片來源:《傅狷夫─書畫雙絕》/ 藝術家出版社 / 2004年6月) 席德芳落筆畫梅,左下方為邵幼軒女士,中間則為高逸鴻夫婦。(照片來源:《傅狷夫─書畫雙絕》/ 藝術家出版社 / 2004年6月) 席德芳畫梅
  • 1942

     (age 33)
    During Fu’s solo-exhibition in Chongqing, Fu Bao-Shi collected his painting, and also received Xu Bei-Hong’s painting Ma (Horse).

  • 1944

     (age 35)
    Fu held four double-exhibition with Mr. Gao Yi-Hong, a friend from Xiling Painting Calligraphy Art Institute, in Sichuan Kai County, Fengdu County, Fuling District, and Changshou District. He did life drawings on palm trees and plantains.
    Mr. Wei Da-Jian made the seal “Du-Zhou-Cao-Tang” (Sole Drink Thatched Cottage) for Fu’s study hall.
    Fu’s eldest daughter, Wan-Sheng, was born.

  • 1945

    Fu held a solo-exhibition in Chongqing in May, where his work was shown to becoming more permissive. The preface for this exhibition was written by Mr. Chen Ji-Fo.

  • 1946

     (age 37)
    Fu’s eldest son, Li-Sheng, was born.
    Held a solo-exhibition in Chengdu in May. The exhibition contained finger paintings, landscapes, and palm tree ink paintings.

  • 1947

     (age 38)
    Solo-exhibition in Hankou in May, displaying one hundred finger paintings.
    Second son, Dong-Sheng, was born in Shanghai.

    席德芳與四個孩子,左起傅勵生、傅冬生、傅玉聲、傅婉聲 (照片來源:《傅狷夫─書畫雙絕》/ 藝術家出版社 / 2004年6月)
  • 1948

    (age 39)
    Held a solo-exhibition in April in Shanghai.
    Mr. Wei Da-Jian made three seals for Fu’s study room.

    傅狷夫示範指畫 (照片來源:《雲濤雙絕傅狷夫》)
  • 1949

     (age 40)
    In spring of the 38th year of the Republic of China, Fu sailed through the Taiwan Strait from Shanghai to seek refuge in Taiwan. The scene of waves Fu saw on his journey inspired him in developing his unique techniques in painting oceans, waves and other sceneries on the island. For example, his work The Sea of Clouds of Alishan, The Roaring Sea of the East etc.

    席德芳與子女攝於南港住宅門前。右起男勵生、次女玉聲、次男冬生、長女婉聲 (照片來源:《傅狷夫的創作與傳承》/ 中華文化總會 / 2015年8月)
  • 1950

    (age 41)

    傅狷夫於心香室作畫,約攝於一九五○年 (照片來源:《傅狷夫的創作與傳承》/ 中華文化總會 / 2015年8月)
  • 1952

    (age 43)

  • 1953

    (age 44)

    一九五三年,傅狷夫一家與門生同遊阿里山。(照片來源:《傅狷夫的創作與傳承》/ 中華文化總會 / 2015年8月) 一九五三年舉行「臺灣詩壇六週年紀念―當代名家書畫展」,書畫家齊聚一堂合影留念。照片中于右任後方即是傅狷夫。(照片來源:《傅狷夫的創作與傳承》/ 中華文化總會 / 2015年8月)
  • 1955

     (age 46)
    Solo-exhibition at Zhongshan Hall (Taipei City Public Auditorium) in July.

  • 1956

    (age 47)

  • 1957

    August / 10

    (age 48)

    1957年全家合影 (照片來源:《臺灣水墨開拓者傅狷夫》)
  • 1958

     (age 49)
    Fu founded the LiuLi Art Association.
    Held a solo-exhibition at Zhongshan Hall.

    一九五八年,傅狷夫來臺後的首次個展吸引大批人潮前來參觀。(照片來源:《傅狷夫的創作與傳承》/ 中華文化總會 / 2015年8月)
  • 1958

  • 1958


    July (age 49)
    Published his first Album.

  • 1959

    (age 50~70)
    Fu served as one of the judges for Taiwan’s National Art Exhibition.

  • 1959


    June (age 50)
    Attended the Ten People Calligraphy Association.
    Fu conducted the Ten People Calligraphy Society’s fist exhibition.

  • 1960

    (age 51~53)
    Fu accepted the position as a Chinese landscape painting art teacher in Chinese Writer’s & Artist’s Association.

  • 1960


    October (age 51)
    Fu conducted the Ten People Calligraphy Society’s second exhibition at the National Museum of History.

  • 1960


    December (age 51)
    Attended Taipei American News Office’s Chinese Painting Exhibition.

  • 1961

     (age 52~63)
    Fu became an ink-wash painting professor in the Fine Arts Department of The Political Warfare Cadres Academy.

  • 1961

    (age 52)
    Was invited to attend Chinese Art Association, and was elected as director of the association till today.
    Wu Ping carved a Zhia-guan seal "Meng An" (dreams) for Fu Chuan-Fu.
    Fu published his first and second album of his paintings.

  • 1961

    (age 52~80)
    Printed ten styles of semi-cursive script, and one cursive script books.

  • 1961


    (age 52)
    Third year exhibition of Ten People Calligraphy Association at  the National Museum of History.

  • 1962

    (age 53)
    Became the first director of Chinese Painting Society
    Founded RenYin Art Association, BaPung Art Association, Taiwan Chinese Calligraphy Society, and Chinese Painting Society.

  • 1962

    (age 53~63)
    Hired as a Chinese painting part-time professor in the fine arts department of National Art Institute (1st to 9th year, resigned due to his eyes' illness)
    Outside of teaching, he goes to the seashore very often to admire the changes of ocean's weaves, and invented "dot blotting technique".

  • 1962


    (age 53)
    Held the 4th exhibition of Ten People Calligraphy  Association at the National Museum of History. 

  • 1962


    (age 53)
    First exhibition of RenYin Art Association at the National Taiwan Museum.

  • 1963


    (age 54)
    BaPung Art Association held its first exhibition in the National Museum of History.

  • 1963


     The 5th exhibition of Ten People Calligraphy  Association at the National Museum of History. 

  • 1964

    (age 55)
    Was hired to demonstrate painting techniques on Chinese landscape paintings for ten minutes every week, on the Art Teaching TV show at Taiwan Television Enterprise, Ltd.
    Mr. Lee Da-Mu made the seal, Lao Mei Shu Wu 老梅書屋 (Old Plum Book House).

  • 1964


    (age 55)
    RenYin Art Association's 2nd Art Exhibition held in the National Museum of History.

  • 1964


    (age 55)
    The 2nd exhibition of BaPung Art Association in the National Museum of History.

  • 1965

    (age 56)
    Received Golden Goblet Award from Chinese Art Association (Central Daily News)

  • 1965


    (age 56)
    The third exhibition of RenYin Art Association at the National Taiwan Museum.

  • 1966

    (age 57)
    The first time the Liu Li Aristo collaborated in hosting their first exhibition.
    Appointed to hold the second Republic of China Calligraphy delegation sent to Japan.

  • 1966

    January / 28

    (age 57)
    Held the seventh calligraphy painting appreciation exhibition at the National Taiwan Museum.

  • 1966


    (age 57)
    The second BaPung Art Association exhibition was held at the National Museum of History.

  • 1967

    (age 58)

  • 1968

    (age 59)
    Received the 56th Arts award from the Department of Education.
    Published The Fourth Calligraphy Painting Album in October. 

  • 1969

    (age 60)
    Published The Fifth Calligraphy Painting Album.
    Held a calligraphy painting exhibition at the Taipei New Park National Taiwan Museum in October.

  • 1970


    (age 61)
    BaPung Art Association held it's exhibition at the National Museum of History.

  • 1971

    (age 62)
    Composed Introductory of Landscape Painting Techniques.

  • 1971

    (age 62 - 76)
    Became a traditional chinese painting review committee for the Zhongshan Culture and Arts Foundation.

  • 1971

  • 1972


    (age 63) October
    After living in Nangang for twenty  years, Fu moved to Dunhua South Road of Taipei city, opened an art studio and named it "Fu Dan Yu Lu" (復旦寓盧) because the art studio was next to where the Fu Dan bridge used to be.
    Attended the Ten People Calligraphy Association.

    傅狷夫70年代中攝於臺北畫室─李銘盛攝影 (照片來源:《傅狷夫─書畫雙絕》/ 藝術家出版社 / 2004年6月)
  • 1973

    (age 64)
    Attended the Bringing Chinese Calligraphy Painting into Homes Movement Exhibition.
    BaPung New Years Exhibition. Attended the Contemporary Chinese Painting Masters' Guest Exhibition.
    Fu said "The essence of our nation's tradition is loveable, the spirit of modern is gratifying." at the conference of the Painting Association. Was elected as the first chairman of Calligraphy Painting Evaluation Association,
    Fu collaborated with Gau Yihong and Ji Kang in painting the "Three Friends Painting" (三友圖/San You Tu), which was given to the Sun Yat-sen Center in Madrid, Spain.
    Attended the ninth Japan Asia Art Exhibtion. Attended the Republic of China Modern Art Exhibition in Paris.

  • 1974

    (age 65)

    一九七四年,傅狷夫專注讀書的神情。(照片來源:《傅狷夫的創作與傳承》/ 中華文化總會 / 2015年8月)
  • 1975

    (age 66)
    Was the judge of the Third National Youth Painting and Calligraphy Competition.
    Attended the Second Chinese Art Exhibition in Hawaii.

  • 1976

    (age 66)
    Attended the Ten People Calligraphy Association calligraphy exhibition at St. John's University.
    Opened an art studio, NaShan Building (納山樓), in the fall

  • 1977

    (age 68)
    Published his seventh calligraphy album in June.

  • 1978

    (age 69)
    Was invited by the Kwai Hall Calligraphy Society to hold a solo exhibition in KSB-TV (Korean Broadcasting System TV) in Korea.

  • 1978


    (age 69)
    Hosted the wedding of Fu Li-Sheng, his eldest son, and Hsio Hui in Taipei.

  • 1978


    (age 67)
    Published his eighth calligraphy album

  • 1979

    (age 70)
    (age 71)

    1979年傅狷夫夫婦、蘇峯男夫婦同遊墾丁國家公園 (照片來源:《傅狷夫的創作與傳承》/ 中華文化總會 / 2015年8月)
  • 1980

    (age 71)

  • 1981


    (age 72)
    Published his ninth calligraphy album

  • 1982

    (age 73)
    Invited to be the representative of the Chinese Calligraphy Artist to visit Korea.
    Invited to serve as the Chinese painting calligraphy review subcommissioner of Taipei Fine Arts Museum.
    Invited to serve as the Chinese painting calligraphy review committee of WuSanLien Awards Foundation.
    Invited by Korea's East Asia Daily to hold a solo exhibition at Seoul City Hall.
    Invited by the Council for Cultural Affairs, Executive Yuan, to attend the Time Art Exhibition.

  • 1983

    (age 74)
    Became an Adjunct Chinese painting Professor of the Fine Arts Deparment at the National Intitute of the Art (resigned the next year).

  • 1984

    (age 75)
    Attended the Chinese Calligraphy International Conference held by the Council for Cultural Affairs, Executive Yuan.

  • 1985

    (age 76)
    Became an advisor committee for Taiwan Museum of Arts
    Became a calligraphy review committee for WuSanLien Awards Foundation.
    Invited by the Tainan City to hold a solo exhibition at Social Education Hall of Tainan City
    Invited to attend the Asia-Pacific Regional Art Education Conference Art Exhibition in Malaysia.

  • 1986

    (age 77)
    Invited by the Taipei Rotary Club to attend the joint painting and calligraphy exhibition with Ms You-Wen in Aomori City, Japan.
    Invited by Taichung City to hold a solo exhibition at Taichung City Cultural Center.
    Invited by the Chinese Calligraphy Society to hold the first grass script cursive calligraphy study.
    Became one of the review committee of Chinese painting calligraphy group members at the History Museum.
    Invited to participate in the Impression of Taipei Exhibition that was held by Taipei City Art Museum.
    Published the eighth edition of "The first stage of the landscape painting".
    Made a seal with the words "building over the clouds"(過雲樓).

    與諸位名家合影。〈左起:黃光男、李奇茂、張榖年、林玉山、 傅狷夫、張德文〉(照片來源:《傅狷夫─書畫雙絕》/ 藝術家出版社 / 2004年6月)
  • 1987

    (age 78)
    Invited by the Korean Federation of Art to hold a solo exhibition at the News Hall in Seoul.
    Invited by the Chinese Calligraphy Society to hold the second grass script cursive calligraphy study.
    Invited to be one of the collection committee member of the 77th year collection of Taiwan Art Museum.
    Invited to be a review committee member for the actively carry-out artists of Taiwan Art Museum.
    Invited to attend the Works of Modern Calligrapher Exhibition held by the Taipei Fine Arts Museum.

  • 1987

    (age 78)
    Invited by the Korean Federation of Art to hold a solo exhibition at the News Hall in Seoul.
    Invited by the Chinese Calligraphy Society to hold the second grass script cursive calligraphy study.
    Invited to be one of the collection committee member of the 77th year collection of Taiwan Art Museum.
    Invited to be a review committee member for the actively carry-out artists of Taiwan Art Museum.
    Invited to attend the Works of Modern Calligrapher Exhibition held by the Taipei Fine Arts Museum.

  • 1988

    (age 79)
    Invited to attend the Eight Elder Calligraphy Exhibition held by Government of Taiwan.
    Received the 17th Painting Calligraphy Special Contribution Awards from National Culture and Arts Foundation.
    Published XinXiang Studio's hundred most used seals album.
    Invited by the National History Museum to attend Zhang Da-Qian Academic Conference.
    Invited by the National History Museum to attend the International Modern Calligraphy Exhibition held by Korea.
    Invited to be the 11th Chinese painting review committee member for the WuSanLien Awards Foundation.

  • 1989

    (age 80)
    Invited by Taipei City Government to hold his Eighty Painting Calligraphy Solo Exhibition at Taipei Fine Arts Museum.

  • 1990

    (age 81)
    There were two birch trees in front of Fu's home in California, so Fu named his study room "The Birch Tree Cottage".
    After 1981, Fu mostly focused on his calligraphy art works. He was invited to attend the Eight Elder Calligraphy Exhibition held by Government of Taiwan.

    傅狷夫水墨個展 第十二集 (照片來源:《傅狷夫水墨個展》)
  • 1991

    (age 82)
    Recieved two hundred thousand dollars from the 17th Painting Calligraphy Special Contribution Awards from National Culture and Arts Foundation, Fu added another two hundred thousand dollars and donated to National Taiwan University of Arts for student's scholarship.

  • 1992

    (age 83)

    Became a member of the inspection affairs committee for the National Palace Museum.

  • 1992


    (age 83)
    Fu moved to the City of Fremont, named his study room there "The Flying Dream Cottage".

  • 1993

    (age 84)

  • 1994

    (age 85)
    Fu was invited to attend the Hundred Famous Artists' Painting Calligraphy Exhibition in celebrations for the National Day.
    Was invited to attend "The Beauty of Eighty" Painting Calligraphy Exhibition.

  • 1995

    (age 86)
    Fu was invited to attend the 14th National Art Exhibition.
    Was invited to attend the 50th Anniversery of Taiwan Retrocession Day Painting Calligraphy Exhibition.

    與孫兒們合影,雙胞胎傅君喆、傅君玨 (照片來源:《傅狷夫─書畫雙絕》/ 藝術家出版社 / 2004年6月) 傅狷夫與兒孫三代同堂 (照片來源:《傅狷夫─書畫雙絕》/ 藝術家出版社 / 2004年6月) 傅狷夫伉儷與大兒子傅勵生、媳婦蕭慧合影 (照片來源:《傅狷夫─書畫雙絕》/ 藝術家出版社 / 2004年6月)
  • 1996

    (age 87)

  • 1997

    (age 88)

  • 1998

    (age 89)
    Recieved the National Cultural Award from the Ministry of Culture.

  • 1999

    (age 90)
    Fu held the "Exceptional Beauty of Cloud and Water: The World of Fu Chuan-fu" 90 Painting Calligraphy Exhibition at the National History Museum.

  • 2000

    (age 91)
    Recieved the Gold Award and Special Awards of the Arts and Business Awards from the Ministry of Culture.
    Was invited to attend the Four Artists Celebration for Madame Chiang's Hundredth Birthday Exhibition.

  • 2000


    (age 91)
    Published Grass-Cursive Script Calligraphy Album of Fu Chuan-fu

  • 2001

    (age 92)
    Fu's calligraphy works are mainly  in couplets, mostly from the poems of Pu-Ru (溥儒).

  • 2002

    (age 93)

    傅狷夫與夫人席德芳合影 (照片來源:《傅狷夫─書畫雙絕》/ 藝術家出版社 / 2004年6月)
  • 2002


    Fu was in the hospital for two weeks because of pneumonia.

  • 2002


    Started his long scroll of calligraphy creation using Song dynasty poems.

    (照片來源:《傅狷夫─書畫雙絕》/ 藝術家出版社 / 2004年6月)
  • 2003

    (age 94)
    Fu had come to an end to his long scroll of Song poems' calligraphy work.

    欣賞收藏的一對紫檀木鎮紙 (照片來源:《傅狷夫─書畫雙絕》/ 藝術家出版社 / 2004年6月)
  • 2004

    (age 95)

     (照片來源:《傅狷夫─書畫雙絕》/ 藝術家出版社 / 2004年6月) 筆墨畫意 館藏傅狷夫書法展
  • 2005

    (age 96)

  • 2006

    (age 97)

  • 2007

    (age 98)

    二○○七年傅狷夫與蘇峯男合影於舊金山家中 (照片來源:《傅狷夫的創作與傳承》/ 中華文化總會 / 2015年8月)
  • 2007


    Passed away in his home in Fremont, San Fransisco, California, U.S due to lung failure in March 10th. 


